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Surgo offers two different types of employee training programs:

(1) Employee training programs meant to improve employee effectiveness, efficiency, communication, and attitude; and

(2) Compliance training programs meant to provide important knowledge and guidance for employees in such areas as sexual harassment and business ethics, and to simultaneously limit a company's potential exposure to liability.


Managing Change

Teaches employees how to thrive in this period of rapid and continuous change without losing their sense of being “grounded.”

Managing Conflict With Coworkers

Teaches employees how to manage interpersonal conflict in the workplace, and how to keep it from interfering with productivity, communication, and morale.

Time Management

Teaches employees how to boost their efficiency with better time-management and organizational skills, and with a clearer sense of how to prioritize.

Business Etiquette for Millennials

Teaches employees the rules of proper engagement in business, and how observing these rules will help you succeed.  At the end of the day, business is about people (coworkers, customers, partners, vendors, etc.), and if you know how to properly interact and work with them, you will have a significant advantage over many others.

Team Building / Becoming a Team Player

Teaches employees how to adapt their personal styles to the dynamics of the team so as to maximize the collective creativity and effectiveness of the team.

Bridging the Generational Gap

Teaches employees crucial techniques for improving communicating with coworkers who are significantly older or younger than you.  This is accomplished by: a) teaching employees how to create a sense of shared vision and purpose which is impervious to generational frames of reference, and b) teaching employees how to appreciate and respect the differing sensibilities of the generations.

Virtual Team Building

Teaches employees how to build teams and communicate in virtual environments where the absence of face-to-face interaction can create logistical, interpretive, and even cultural challenges.

Emotional Intelligence: Street Smarts for Success

Teaches employees how emotional acuity and social awareness are fundamental to professional effectiveness in this new era.  Employees will learn how to actually increase their emotional intelligence and bolster their social awareness.

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Teaches employees how to find the joy in their professional endeavors, and how that joy actually increases focus, creativity, and ultimately job satisfaction.

Making a Mark That’s Hard to Erase: Becoming a Person of Influence

Teaches employees a multi-disciplinary, holistic approach to the kinds of professional self-improvement that will be necessary to become people of influence…people who lead rather than follow.

How to Perform Above and Beyond Your Job Description

Teaches employees how to develop and embrace a macroscopic understanding of their respective roles – an understanding that allows them to transcend their job descriptions and maximize their value to the organization as a whole.

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Teaches employees how to manage and direct their emotions in ways that facilitate their effectiveness and success by improving their self-awareness, self-management skills, social awareness, and relationship management skills.

Personality Talk: Communication Techniques for Overcoming Personality Differences

Teaches employees how to work effectively with people of other personality types, people with other communication styles, and people who are simply difficult.

The Art of Creative Thinking

Teaches employees how to break down the walls of paradigmatic thinking, and to begin to find new ways to improve processes by looking at things in new ways – ways that focus on goals and results rather than on traditional methods of achieving those goals and results.  This seminar asks the question: “Is my typical route to my desired destination really the most effective and efficient way to get there?”

How to Re-Energize Yourself

Teaches employees how to convert feelings of apathy and fatigue into a renewed sense of challenge and purpose.

The Power of a Positive Attitude

Teaches employees how to bring their internal sources of optimism, inspiration, and excitement to their work.

Leadership Skills

Teaches employees about the qualities and behaviors that constitute good and effective leadership, and how to maximize the positive effects of those qualities and behaviors.

How Self-Esteem Influences Customer Service

Teaches employees how self-esteem affects their delivery of customer service, and how to truly give themselves to the delivery of customer service – making the delivery authentic, organic, and memorable.

Getting Things Done: How to Finish What You Start

Teaches employees how to stay motivated to finish what they start, and why persistence, perseverance, and will are quintessential virtues in the business world.

Winning Negotiation Techniques

Teaches employees how to get what they want while being accommodating, respectful, and fair to the other party – how to win without making the other party feel that he/she/it is losing.

Learning Their Rules: Doing Business With People From Other Cultures

This is a custom-designed course based on the particular culture that a client company is doing business with and the nature of the client company’s business.

Leap and the Net Will Appear: Balancing Risk and Opportunity

Teaches employees how to negotiate the conundrum presented when assessing risk and opportunity.


The Compliance Hybrid Program™ is Surgo’s proprietary answer to the problem that has always existed in compliance training programs – that employees are bored by the standard legal or regulatory analysis, and they are generally unable to objectively assess their relationships and behavior in light of the regulatory analysis.  Our seminars (which are taught by an engaging lawyer and a humorous psychologist working as a team) blend the necessary legal and regulatory analysis with a captivating discussion about the dynamics of human relationships and communication, and about why, for example, a gesture or communication meant to be construed as innocent and innocuous by the actor/communicator may be reasonably construed as offensive or intimidating by the recipient of the gesture or communication.

Our Compliance Hybrid™ Programs are as follows:

Sexual Harassment Training

Teaches employees what sexual harassment is, what behaviors constitute harassment, how to report instances of harassment, and why the company has a zero-tolerance policy.  This seminar also examines the dynamics of human relationships and communication, and offers various group activities and discussions to help employees understand the “human” issues behind the harassment.

An Introduction to Business Ethics

Teaches employees the business case for ethical business decisions, how to thrive while “playing by the rules,” and why your company has a zero-tolerance policy towards unethical behavior.  This seminar also considers the various ways in which human beings approach and process ethical dilemmas – generating deeply interesting group discussions and activities that reinforce the concepts taught.



“Mission accomplished, Karl!”  For three years in a row, you have been the highlight of our communications training.  Hope you can come back next year."

Bud Marshall

Director, Ohio Emergency Management Agency

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